Word for Today is part of an active ministry
working in Jesus' Name that tries to take an earnest look at some of
the depth and grandeur, as
as the undeniable truth, of God and His Holy Word. If it causes someone
to discover other meanings and/or applications which may be applied to
their circumstance, so much the better. That would simply show the Word
at its wonderful work in the life of the hearer. In any such instances
feedback will be appreciated, that more may be edified, and Grace be
more abounding to us all. Thanks for letting us share with you today.
love always abound in your life with the Lord!
Do you have a Scripture verse you would like to see discussed here? Send
email with the verse or verses you have in mind and they may be
included here soon.
The Word for Today Archives
Most editions include "Selah", commentary & notes.
The Psalms are often used for meditation,
inspiration, counseling- well, for everything that is good, to be sure!
There is a word found frequently among them that has passed through the
centuries and calls to us to take our time, carefully consider what
we are learning or reading, and consciously consider the meaning
: "Selah".
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines it thusly: "A term of
uncertain meaning found in the Hebrew text of the Psalms and Habakkuk
over untranslated into some English versions."
Simply reading it in the context of its usage, however, it readily
to mean think soberly and sincerely about these
things; that is to say, what is being read. Indeed, some
modern Bibles define it to mean "pause, and consider these things".
in the pages of Word for Today, it is used to offer commentary and
into the Scripture being presented.
You are invited to submit your favorite Scripture passages, and your
commentary and insights about them. It is hoped that Word for Today can
be updated frequently, or enlarged in a form that will allow all who
to share the wonderful things they find in God's Word to do so! It is a
that can be accomplished with your help, because we know the Lord is
that it be done. The venue is in place and God is certain to continue
blessing of it - all that is missing is YOU!
Become a part of His blessing and share His Word and love through your
personal ministry with those
who need to know about it today.